Raw Michigan wildflower honey, harvested from our Michigan apiaries. Raw honey is unfiltered, unheated, straight from the hive. Raw honey may be fully liquid, partially crystalized, or fully crystallized, depending on the time of the year you purchase it. Whatever form it is when your order arrives, it will eventually fully crystalize! Crystallization might take weeks, months, or over a year, depending on the original nectar source the bees made the honey from and the temperature it is stored at. The honey is packaged in a classic glass queenline jar with a wide mouth so you can easily spoon it out if crystalized. The honey will vary in color and flavor, depending on what flowers the bees foraged to produce it. If you are interested in learning more about raw honey and the many nuances in defining it, take a look at our article that answers the question “what is raw honey?”.
Got allergies? Give this honey try!
Please Note: We will ship glass containers of honey fully insured via USPS. However, in the case of breakage during shipment, the customer assumes all responsibilities for filing the claim with the Post Office.