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The latest buzz from our apiaries.
Pure Beeswax is Completely Amazing!

Pure Beeswax is Completely Amazing!

Beeswax, a golden-hued substance secreted by honeybees, stands as a testament to nature’s multifaceted ingenuity. Its composition, a complex blend of fatty acids, esters, and long-chain alcohols, renders it a substance of remarkable versatility and utility. As we...

Wanna be a beekeeper?

Wanna be a beekeeper?

Have you been itching to start a few bee hives of your own in your backyard? If so, spring time is when you want to begin. We will be selling five frame starter nucleus hives (nucs) through June (or until sold out) this spring for pickup at our site in Nunica, MI. If...

Honey in the comb!

Honey in the comb!

A while back we wrote an article in which we tried to clear up some of the confusion around the term "raw honey". If you want to get really technical, perhaps the only correct definition of the term is honey still in the comb, or simply "comb honey". Every year, we...

What beekeepers do in the winter

What beekeepers do in the winter

Sometime ago, we posted an article about what bees do in the winter. It occurred to us, that our readers might be wondering what the keepers of bees do in the winter as well. The answer to that of course depends on what kind of beekeeper you're talking about. Large...

Why Bees Swarm

Why Bees Swarm

Here in the West Michigan area where we live, honey bee swarming season begins in May and runs well into June.   Residents are often startled to find a large cluster of bees (can be as small as a softball or larger than a basketball!) hanging on a shrub or tree in...

What Is Raw Honey?

What Is Raw Honey?

One of the most frequent questions we get asked by honey customers is: is your honey raw?  Interestingly enough, almost nobody asks us: what is raw honey?  Just for fun, for a while whenever somebody would ask if our honey was raw, I would answer by asking them what...

Small Scale Queen Rearing

Small Scale Queen Rearing

Every beekeeper these days seems to be at least thinking about raising his or her own queens. That's a good thing, and really not an option if you intend to keep bees for the long haul. While mated queens can be readily purchased the entire beekeeping season from...

What Bees and Their Keepers Do in the Spring

What Bees and Their Keepers Do in the Spring

Springtime is arguably the busiest time of the year for both the honey bee and the beekeeper. From the bees' perspective, the activity begins before Spring actually arrives. In late winter, as the days increase in length, the queen will resume laying eggs. Slowly at...

Hive Scales

Hive Scales

Electronics enclosure of the SolutionBee Smart Hive Monitor.   Jonathan and his graduate students at Grand Valley State University have been working with the Bee Informed Partnership to automate the monitoring of live honeybee colonies via electronic sensor platforms....

What Bees Do in the Winter

What Bees Do in the Winter

We often get asked “what do your bees do in the winter?”.  Given the rather brutal winters we experience here in the West Michigan area, these questions are often prompted by concern for the bees’ welfare.  The quick answer to the question is that bees eat lots of...