One of the most frequent questions we get asked by honey customers is: is your honey raw? Interestingly enough, almost nobody asks us: what is raw honey? Just for fun, for a while whenever somebody would ask if our honey was raw, I would answer by asking them what...
Beekeepers, like bees, tend to have a language of their own. To the non-beekeeper, or newbee, the technical jargon beekeepers use can become rather confusing. The other day when speaking to a non-beekeeper, I casually mentioned we were out the day before...
August is the month we remove surplus honey from our colonies. We started the process last week, and plan to remove the last batch this week. This was actually one of our better years, given the combination of an abundance of moisture and warm sunny weather. By...
Our bees have produced some excellent comb honey this summer. Last week we removed the fully capped frames from our hives. We’ve tried a number of different techniques for comb honey production over the years. We’ve used the older style small wooden...
Here in Michigan, while a bit too wet for many crops, conditions are near optimal for the bees. The high moisture levels have ensured that the White Dutch Clover and other bloom that opened in late May have continued to bloom and provide ample nectar to foraging...