Mite Warfare!

Mite Warfare!

The honey has been harvested, but there is still plenty of work to do in the bee yard.  A large part of that work in these waning days of summer involve us helping the bees get ready for the long Michigan winter.  In addition to making sure the bees have enough honey...
Honey Harvest 2010!

Honey Harvest 2010!

August is the month we remove surplus honey from our colonies.  We started the process last week, and plan to remove the last batch this week.  This was actually one of our better years, given the combination of an abundance of moisture and warm sunny weather.   By...

Luke’s Pets…

Tuesday morning this week, I found myself along with my 6 year old son Luke in the bee yard at 6:30am.  Luke’s class had “pet day” at school, and the only “pets” we have at the moment are our bee colonies.  One of the things Luke amuses...

Our Package Bees Have Arrived!

As much as possible we try to increase our number of colonies by splitting the colonies that survive in the Spring.  However, some winters, such as this past winter prove to be disastrous with regard to our bees successfully making it through the winter.  In cases...